Astrology Update - Full Moon in Virgo 2/24/24 & Isis Meditation by Mary Lomando

Hello Everyone,

 Blessings on this Full Moon in Virgo. This Full Moon promises more than a few astrological breakthroughs as Venus, Mars and Pluto are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius forging new paths ahead; while Jupiter and Uranus are still together in Taurus asking us to reassess what is really of value in our lives. There are also no retrograde planets at this time, so the energy feels like it is moving forward at the speed of light! The message of this practical Earth sign Virgo Full Moon is to maintain our physical bodies and mental/emotional balance. Also, during this time, the Virgo (Moon) and Pisces (Sun) polarity represents the health axis in astrologySpirit (Pisces) into Matter (Virgo) is the message.  On a personal level, it is time to “En-Body” all the spiritual practices and techniques learned in this lifetime and others. Saturn, which rules time and physical matter, is also with the Sun in Pisces now. The lesson is to let go of what no longer serves you, and, in the words of Ram Dass: “Be Here Now!”  

 On another note, my next newsletter will be for the upcoming New Moon Solar eclipse on April 8th. I will be in Egypt in the month of March. (For those of you who are interested you can follow our group’s journey through Egypt on my FB and IG pages,)


This Full Moon falls in the Virgo/ Pisces polarity. Both of these signs are about service, and Virgo is the Earth sign that is concerned with our practical everyday reality. Virgo is noted for being good with details and the astute assessment of a situation in order to improve, fix, or remake it. The trick is to use the Virgo energy without becoming overly judgmental or critical, especially of ourselves. 

Pisces is the polar opposite water sign, which asks us to “go with flow” and follow our spiritual and creative impulses. Pisces wants “out of body” experiences, while Virgo is all about being grounded in the physical body. The one characteristic that both signs share is the theme of being of service to others. Virgo stresses the need for order, purity, and symmetry (Virgo loves to clean, design and refurbish things. Flea markets and vintage stores can be one Virgo’s paradise, while another loves high-end designer fashions.) Pisces, on the other hand, is often adrift in the realms of the imagination and not really concerned with mundane details. The lesson now is to integrate both these signs by remaining grounded without losing the inspiration to follow your dreams. The Virgo/Pisces polarity brings up the important theme of compassionate discernment. When is it more beneficial to surrender personal ego to a higher power; and when is it more appropriate to stand your ground? If boundaries are your issue (either too porous or too rigid), notice how these issues play out in your personal life during this time. Full Moons have a way of bringing subconscious issues to the surface.

Personally Speaking:  The ruler of the sign of Virgo is the planet, Mercury, which rules our thought processes, language and communication. It is also the sign of healer, as it is the ruler of Chiron, the wounded healer of the zodiac. Virgo asks how you may be of service on the planet, but also how are you in service to yourself?  How well are you taking care of your own needs? The Virgo/Pisces polarity can bring up the victim/martyr scenario, as well as feelings of self-judgement and/or guilt of not being perfect or good enough. Virgo expresses itself through words. Be aware of how you choose to express yourself. Words do matter! Are your words toxic or nourishing to yourself and others? Your words can wound or heal. 

If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant (Rising Sign) falls in the sign of Virgo, this is your personal Full Moon. If Virgo is your sun sign, or you have major planets in the sign, the themes of discrimination, self-analysis, and attention to detail (especially in regard to health matters) are important for your growth and development. Virgo appreciates the value of daily routine. If you have natal planets in Virgo, the trick is to avoid becoming a creature of habit and obsessive thinking. Virgos can be vulnerable to excessive worry and anxiety, which affects the nervous and digestive systems. If you are a Virgo, pay close attention to your diet (since Virgo rules the intestines), especially in regard to food allergies. 

Virgos like to look and feel good, so they may be involved in the fashion industry, as well as health, fitness, and beauty professions. Virgos are good with their hands and very skilled at fixing things. Designers, models, craftspeople, accountants, medical technicians, and musicians (especially guitarists) have Virgo prominent in their birth horoscopes.

 The lesson with Virgo is to become aware of any negative thinking patterns, which unconsciously lead to self- sabotage. If you find yourself being overly judgmental of self and others, try using positive affirmations to break the habit. Often a simple dose of fresh air and physical activity helps to free the mind from endless chatter. Having a loving pet, and/or hobby can also help to alleviate any Virgo anxiety. Since Virgo rules the Mind/Body connection, this is a good time to investigate alternative health practices, as well as make improvements in diet and exercise. Treating your body as your Temple is the key to longevity.

PLANETARY PICTURES: Full Moon in Virgo Opposite Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Pisces: This can be a challenging aspect where too many choices can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused. Although Virgo wants to take care of the business at hand, the intense Pisces opposition presents challenges to practical Virgo. Both Virgo and Pisces have a tendency to be hard on themselves and can lapse into negative thinking patterns, especially with Mercury and Saturn in in the mix! This can be the proverbial “glass is half empty” syndrome, but there are ways to shift your perspective. Firstly, don’t allow yourself to feel martyred or victimized by circumstances. Maintain your psychic and physical boundaries. Learn how to say “No” without feeling guilty, if that is a problem area for you. As mentioned earlier, Full Moons have a tendency to shed light on a situation that began with the previous New Moon two weeks earlier. If this Pisces Full Moon brings up anxiety or self-doubts, do some inner work/ meditation/ journaling and see where you are self-sabotaging or fearful of change.  If you are feeling pulled in many directions or overwhelmed, take a time out during this Full Moon time and find your center and just breathe through the anxiety or fear.

With both Saturn and the Sun in Pisces, something in your life may be coming to a closure, as Pisces is the end of the cycle. Look to the Pisces house(s) in your birth chart, as this the area where you may need to clean up. Both Virgo and Pisces are mutable signs, which means that your thinking should remain flexible. Don’t paint yourself into an “either or” corner; list the pros and cons of your alternatives, and then trust your intuition to make the right choice. As mentioned earlier, some effective techniques for discovering the answers within are: journal writing, meditation, hypnosis, past life regression, and dream analysis. Find a deck of inspirational cards that speaks to you and see what messages come.  Have some fun with it and let your mind unwind. During this Full Moon you may be much more in tune with your inner psychic and healer!

 Moon in Virgo Trine Jupiter in Taurus: This is a very beneficial Earth trine which provides some emotional relief to the above-mentioned opposition. Jupiter with the Moon allows for a more optimistic view of things and expands opportunities; but these are Earth signs, so it is necessary to put some effort into it. Both Virgo and Taurus want to see practical results; so, it’s time to shake off any feelings of lingering self-doubt and focus on a realistic plan (Virgo) for achieving what you value (Taurus). 

Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius with Pluto in Aquarius Square Jupiter in Taurus: This is the “speed of light” aspect mentioned earlier. There is a quirky, “maverick” feeling to this conjunction. Aquarius is not afraid to be an innovator or a rebel. With Pluto as part of the wide conjunction, there is a passion for new ideas that are progressive, innovative, technical and scientific. Hot topics are quantum physics, AI, alternative realities, and of course, astrology! We no longer want to be burdened by old truths or old beliefs, but leaving the comfort zone of Jupiter in Taurus may be a challenge for some. Both Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs, so each one challenges the other’s viewpoint (change vs. status quo). You can end up feeling at odds with yourself.  Once again, look at your Virgo/ Taurus houses to see where the positivity of the Moon/Jupiter trine can be beneficial in moving forward.


 HISTORICALLY SPEAKING: The Virgo New Moon is associated with Isis, the Great Mother Goddess of Egypt, and her home is the star Sirius. (Some say that the original face of the sphinx was carved in the image of Isis during the Age of Virgo). This was the age of the matrilineal agrarian societies when the feminine face of the goddess was revered and worshiped. Isis was the goddess who taught her people the right use of magic, the healing arts and the importance of words of power. She is regarded as the compassionate Mother of all in whom all miracles are possible.

Take a few moments to gaze at the light of the Full Moon. (If you cannot view the moon, imagine it in your mind’s eye.) Allow the light to penetrate your third eye. Then, light a white candle, get into a comfortable position, and take a few deep breaths allowing all that is heavy or toxic (worries, anxiety, and troubling thoughts) to leave your body. If you have a favorite essential oil, anoint your third eye and heart chakras at this time. (You may prefer to do this meditation after a relaxing bath). If you work with a special crystal, the full moon is a good time to reactivate and recharge it. Visualize a blue lotus extending its stem from your crown to the blue/white star group, Sirius, the “home” of Isis. As you connect this “star cord”, the Goddess Isis appears before you wearing a white linen gown and a blue cloak trimmed with gold. Her forehead is encircled with a band of gold, and a 5-pointed star of lapis lazuli sits over her third eye. Her gaze is deep, but loving. She communicates with you telepathically. She asks that you to meditate on all that you are thankful for in your life right now. It can be as brief or as detailed as you like. She then asks that you think about all that you wish to release or let go of in your life over the next 2 weeks. All that is causing you pain, grief, worry or regret. (You can also write this down in your journal or diary). Then, she asks that you project yourself into the future and write down how you see yourself in the next 6 months. What would you like to manifest? You can meditate on this for a few minutes. Then, Isis leads you into her temple, a vast crystalline hall bathed in Light.  The full moon is beaming down through the top of the temple which is open to the night sky. The light of the Star Sirius also shines into her temple entering your Crown chakra. Feel the diamond white light of Sirius and the soft white moonlight mix together like an elixir of light that bathes your crown chakra in its delicious essence. Allow this crystalline liquid to bathe your midbrain and pass through your entire body. Immerse yourself in this diamond liquidity of light. Breathe it in. Allow a few minutes to float in this womb of Light. 

May you walk in Truth and Beauty Always.

©Mary Lomando/Temple Beautiful Meditations 2024

ASTROLOGY: Book NOW for your 2024 Eclipse forecast reading now. 60 minutes $150.   Combine with Egyptian Oracle Cards: 90 minutes, $175; Email:

UPCOMING NOVEMBER “Entering the Temple Beautiful” EGYPT TRIP: - Experience 2 hours of private meditation time at the Paws of the Sphinx; visit the new Grand Museum in Giza, and latest discoveries in Luxor. Relax in 5-star spa hotels & Nile cruise while visiting all temples & sites. Registration & itinerary upon request: Email:


March 2024 Goddess Calendar


Goddess Alive Radio Episode 2-2024: Astrology for 2024 with Astrologer Mary Lomando