Upcoming Events


Everyday is a celebration of Goddess and how She manifests in our lives, but there are some special dates that are observed at MotherHouse Goddess Temple. Many of these Goddesses are pillars of our Temple. MotherHouse Goddess Temple provides free ritual meditations for many of these dates. Please stay connected to receive updates on our next online event.

Through the MotherHouse of the Goddess blog, we provide a monthly Goddess calendar for you to sync into the HolyDays that have meaning for your practice.

Upcoming events

Sign up for LIVE events



From the depths of the belly of the Winter Mother, it is time for us to tend our light and to plant our seeds of luminous hope for the new year. We set our intentions physically and virtually for support and nourishment of our sacred intentions. As we cross the threshold into 2025, we turn to the Irish Goddess Sheela-Na-Gig for assistance in illumination our path forward.

The Irish Sheela Na Gig with her skeletal body, huge grin, and gaping vagina can take many people aback. What we need to remember is that she is a gateway, a portal, a way-shower. All throughout Ireland, the Sheela Na Gig is found over doorways, especially in shrines and temples. She is the personification of life and death and the creative process. Sheela Na Gig is reminding you to look for doorways, gates to new opportunities, and especially those that seem shocking at first. Be discriminating but don’t discount a new “door", just because it looks a bit scary. Honor your generative powers and know that everything follows the natural order in the end.  - Kimberly Moore, Goddess EveryDay

I am absolutely delighted to be joined by Priestess Esmeralda Luna on the first Full Moon of 2025 for a special Goddess journey to the Irish Goddess Sheela-Na-Gig! Please join us on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 5pm eastern for a Goddess chat and meditation!

Register HERE for FREE

I am so looking forward to joining you in Community! Bright Blessings! xo Kimberly (Founder & Priestess of MotherHouse of the Goddess)

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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MARY MAGDALENE Goddess Altar Blessing

MARY MAGDALENE Goddess Altar Blessing

Add Your Name Today!

The Mary Magdalene Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, May 19th, 2024. 

Sign up for the Mary Magdalene Altar Blessing and submit your petition by May 18th, 2024.

Register Here

Add Your Name to the Mary Magdalene Altar!

Devotions and prayers dedicated to the Divine Feminine are a doorway, an opening between the natural world and the mystical unknown. The altar is the anchor of this liminal space, the place where the energy is raised, the magick is spun, and your intentions are given shape and form by the hands of the Goddess.

Goddess Altar Blessings are a ritual spiritual service to connect with the Divine Feminine and manifest more light, more love, and more healing in your life.

On the third Sunday of every month, Priestess Brandi Auset opens the Goddess Altar for your petitions and prayers. Each ceremony is dedicated to a specific Goddess, and the altar is decorated and adorned with Her flowers, crystals, and magickal tools. A spell candle will be ritually anointed and lit for you, and your petition will be ceremonially offered with the appropriate incense, energy, and prayers.  

The May Goddess Altar is dedicated to the Gnostic Priestess MARY MAGDALENE.

Healer. Friend. Teacher. Beloved. Priestess.

In Gnostic scripture, Mary Magdalene is described as the most beloved among Jesus’ disciples. As a Divine Feminine archetype, she is the Healer, the Teacher, and the Priestess. She guides you to re-member your Divine Feminine nature, and offers strength and healing through emotional vulnerability.  Mary Mag’s relationship and anointing of Jesus with holy oil can be seen as an act of love, devotion, and tremendous faith.

Mary Magdalene gently imparts Her wisdom so that you may become a witness to the miracles of love in all its forms. She says, “Learn your heart, and bless the world.”

This Altar Blessing will invite Mary Magdalene to bestow upon us:

  • Calling forth sacred partnerships and soulmates

  • Opening and centering within the Heart Chakra and self-love

  • Forgiveness and releasing what no longer serves the highest good

  • Manifesting miracles and divine connections

  • Unveiling of the Divine Feminine mysteries

The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, May 19th, 2024.  After the ritual is complete, you will receive photos of the altar, a summation of the work done, and suggestions for your personal practice.

All you have to do is sign up and submit your petition or prayer! Practitioners can submit their petitions for any positive purpose.

Sign up for the Mary Magdalene Altar Blessing and submit your petition by May 18th, 2024.

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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YEMAYA Goddess Altar Blessing

YEMAYA Goddess Altar Blessing

Add your name today!

The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, April 21st, 2024.  

Sign up for the YEMAYA Altar Blessing and submit your petition by April 20th, 2024.

Register here

Devotions and prayers dedicated to the Divine Feminine are a doorway, an opening between the natural world and the mystical unknown. The altar is the anchor of this liminal space, the place where the energy is raised, the magick is spun, and your intentions are given shape and form by the hands of the Goddess.

Goddess Altar Blessings are a ritual spiritual service to connect with the Divine Feminine and manifest more light, more love, and more healing in your life.

On the third Sunday of every month, Priestess Brandi Auset opens the Goddess Altar for your petitions and prayers. Each ceremony is dedicated to a specific Goddess, and the altar is decorated and adorned with Her flowers, crystals, and magickal tools. A spell candle will be ritually anointed and lit for you, and your petition will be ceremonially offered with the appropriate incense, energy, and prayers.  

The April Goddess Altar is dedicated to the Orisha Goddess YEMAYA.

Honored in Yoruban, Afro-Caribbean, and Divine Feminine traditions, Yemaya is the mother of the sea and the moon. She is the keeper of the female mysteries and a guardian of women. Yemaya appears in our lives as the loving, nurturing mother who listens to our troubles, soothes our sorrows, and guides us to becoming whole and complete. She is a healing goddess, showing compassion and kindness to those in need.

As the personification of and the Mother of Water, Yemaya’s domain is in the life-giving portion of the ocean, as well as rivers, lagoons, and lakes. Specifically, She dominates the upper, brighter part of the seas, which is considered the womb of the world – the space from which all life originates.

This Altar Blessing will invite Yemaya to bestow upon us:

  • Personal and spiritual nourishment within supportive Mothering energy

  • Opening the flow to serenity and wonder

  • Healing and restoration of the physical body

  • Relief from chaotic change, lack, stagnation, and loneliness

  • Reconciling familial discord with grace and ease

The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, April 21st, 2024.  After the ritual is complete, you will receive photos of the altar, a summation of the work done, and suggestions for your personal practice.

All you have to do is sign up and submit your petition or prayer! Practitioners can submit their petitions for any positive purpose.

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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Goddess New Moon Meditation Group

Goddess New Moon Meditation Group

There is power in numbers and as we gather under the dark, mysterious beauty of the New Moon. Join Priestesses Kimberly Moore and Brandi Auset for this FREE monthly series of guided meditations and discussions, focusing on Goddesses and magickal expansion. Discussions and Q&A included!

Join us in celebrating the Moons of inspiration and intention!

Beginning with the New Moon of February 2024, Priestesses Kimberly Moore and Brandi Auset will be meeting virtually every month for a FREE Goddess meditation and discussion. Our topics will vary within the realms of Goddess study and lore, holistic living, mystical practice, and magickal creativity.

In this live chat experience, we can gather in community and explore the magick the New Moon offers. There will also be the opportunity for participants to share experiences and ask questions.

Our meetings will be 60-75 minutes on Zoom, but participants are welcome to sign in as they are available.

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Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Weaving Women Red Tent Gathering

Take a deep breath. You’re standing in an open field. There is a slight breeze and it cools your cheeks as you stare up at the red fabric tent in front of you.

A voice from within the shimmering walls calls out to you, and there’s a moment of hesitation before you reach one hand forward. The slide of red silk shimmers across your skin as your fingers connect with an opening in the tent wall.

This is a place of peace, of learning, and of understanding.

Gently, you push aside the curtain door, and you peer inside. The tent seems dim for a moment as your eyes adjust, but you hear the sounds of voices, laughter, and music. There’s a joy here, jubilation only a few steps away…

You contain the threads of life within you. Your life. Your sacred, precious existence. Now is the time to begin weaving them together with purpose and intention.

You ask the question burning in your mind: What does this mean? To be a Weaving Woman?

To be a Weaving Woman simply means you are harnessing your power and potential - your threads, your stories, your creative soul, and twisting them into form.

You are Weaving the Divine into the fabric of your life.

Welcome, Weaver ❤️

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MotheHouse Goddess Temple Spring Equinox Ritual

MotheHouse Goddess Temple Spring Equinox Ritual

As the days lengthen and nature awakens, embrace the transformative power of Spring Equinox with our live online ritual! Inspired by the goddess Inanna's ascent from the underworld into the light, we, too, can shed the heaviness of winter and ascend to new heights. This guided experience will help you release the burdens of winter through meditation and reflection, connect with the energy of renewal, set intentions for growth, and welcome the vibrant energy of spring with joyful affirmations and visualizations. Join us as we ascend with Inanna, emerging from winter refreshed, invigorated, and ready to bloom!

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KUAN YIN Goddess Altar Blessing

KUAN YIN Goddess Altar Blessing



The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on
Sunday, March 17th, 2024.

Sign up for the KUAN YIN Altar and submit your petition by March 15th, 2024.

On the third Sunday of every month, Priestess Brandi Auset opens the Goddess Altar for your petitions and prayers.

Add Your Name to Kuan Yin's Altar!

Devotions and prayers dedicated to the Divine Feminine are a doorway, an opening between the natural world and the mystical unknown. The altar is the anchor of this liminal space, the place where the energy is raised, the magick is spun, and your intentions are given shape and form by the hands of the Goddess.

Goddess Altar Blessings are a ritual spiritual service to connect with the Divine Feminine and manifest more light, more love, and more healing in your life.

On the third Sunday of every month, Priestess Brandi Auset opens the Goddess Altar for your petitions and prayers. Each ceremony is dedicated to a specific Goddess, and the altar is decorated and adorned with Her flowers, crystals, and magickal tools. A spell candle will be ritually anointed and lit for you, and your petition will be ceremonially offered with the appropriate incense, energy, and prayers.  

The March Goddess Altar is dedicated to the Chinese Goddess KUAN YIN.

Worshipped throughout the world, Kuan Yin is the Mother of Compassion and Healing.  Her name translates as She Who Hears the Weeping World, and She accepts and responds to all prayers.  Kuan Yin is the calm in the storm, a beacon to the needy, the Mother who bends gracefully and willingly to respond to the fears of her children.  As the patroness of healers, Kuan Yin cures ailments of mind, body and spirit. 

This Altar Blessing will invite Kuan Yin to bestow upon us:

·         Opening and activation of the Heart Chakra

·         Forgiveness of past and present karma

·         Deepening loving relationships of all kinds

·         Cultivating the healing of illness and ailments in the physical body

·         Relieving the suffering of heartache, grief, and loss

·         Creating and living a life of gratitude and joy 

The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, March 17th, 2024.  After the ritual is complete, you will receive photos of the altar, a summation of the work done, and suggestions for your personal practice.

All you have to do is sign up and submit your petition or prayer! Practitioners can submit their petitions for any positive purpose.

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Goddess New Moon Meditation Group

Goddess New Moon Meditation Group

There is power in numbers and as we gather under the dark, mysterious beauty of the New Moon. Join Priestesses Kimberly Moore and Brandi Auset for this FREE monthly series of guided meditations and discussions, focusing on Goddesses and magickal expansion. Discussions and Q&A included!

Join us in celebrating the Moons of inspiration and intention!

Beginning with the New Moon of February 2024, Priestesses Kimberly Moore and Brandi Auset will be meeting virtually every month for a FREE Goddess meditation and discussion. Our topics will vary within the realms of Goddess study and lore, holistic living, mystical practice, and magickal creativity.

In this live chat experience, we can gather in community and explore the magick the New Moon offers. There will also be the opportunity for participants to share experiences and ask questions.

Our meetings will be 60-75 minutes on Zoom, but participants are welcome to sign in as they are available.

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Goddess New Year 2024!

Goddess New Year 2024!

Join us in community all month long as we celebrate the Goddess New Year and the welcoming of Spring to the Northern Hemisphere.

Register here to get all the goodies, and come hang out on our socials to see some of the fun! We’ll be having live events, Goddess information, and maybe even a couple surprise guests and giveaways!

Ring in the New Year - MotherHouse of the Goddess Style!

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Goddess Oracle Circle with Kimberly Moore

Goddess Oracle Circle with Kimberly Moore


$36 - February Only

  • February Oracle Circle

  • Access to all course content

  • Recording provided

$66 - 20% bundle discount

  • Space Reserved for February & March Oracle Circles

  • Access to all course content

  • Recording provided

The Altar is consecrated. The incense is smoking. The candles are lit.

Are you ready to receive?

You are invited to join a Goddess Oracle Circle led by Priestess Kimberly Moore and receive a personal Goddess and psychic reading.

Available Dates are:

  • Saturday, 2/24/24 at 4pm eastern (on the Full Moon in Virgo!) FEB SIGN UP

  • Saturday, 3/30/24 at 4pm eastern (just after the Lunar Eclipse on 3/25!)

You may sign up for either Oracle Circle or both.

This Circle is limited to 11 people only so that each person has time to receive their individual readings. Each person will receive a live reading from Kimberly with Goddesses and guidance relevant to your current life now.

The Goddess Oracle Circle begins promptly at 4pm eastern. A brief guided meditation is included to clear energy and elevate vibrations. The Guardian Goddesses and Guides will be called and the Circle will be cast. The space will be open to messages from Goddess and the Spirits who choose to speak. As well, messages from the Akashic )past lives) may come through as well. Questions are welcome on a particular topic or you can just be open to receive!

Kimberly has been a Priestess of Goddess for more than 25 years. She has dedicated decades to metaphysical training, energy work, and magick to identify and expand upon her psychic gifts. She is a Channel of Goddess, dances with the Good Spirits, and has a special affinity for the Ancestors.


Welcome & Bonus Info

  • Divination Bonus with 7 lessons

For the Oracle Circle

  • LIVE Reading from Kimberly, focusing on personal messages & guidance

  • the Circle will last approximately 2-3 hours, but you may leave after your reading

  • A recording will be uploaded for participants


** There is no refund for this event. If you are unable to attend, please contact Kimberly at the email provided in the welcome and you may be rescheduled for a future event.

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