Add Your Name Today!
The Mary Magdalene Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, May 19th, 2024.
Sign up for the Mary Magdalene Altar Blessing and submit your petition by May 18th, 2024.
Add Your Name to the Mary Magdalene Altar!
Devotions and prayers dedicated to the Divine Feminine are a doorway, an opening between the natural world and the mystical unknown. The altar is the anchor of this liminal space, the place where the energy is raised, the magick is spun, and your intentions are given shape and form by the hands of the Goddess.
Goddess Altar Blessings are a ritual spiritual service to connect with the Divine Feminine and manifest more light, more love, and more healing in your life.
On the third Sunday of every month, Priestess Brandi Auset opens the Goddess Altar for your petitions and prayers. Each ceremony is dedicated to a specific Goddess, and the altar is decorated and adorned with Her flowers, crystals, and magickal tools. A spell candle will be ritually anointed and lit for you, and your petition will be ceremonially offered with the appropriate incense, energy, and prayers.
The May Goddess Altar is dedicated to the Gnostic Priestess MARY MAGDALENE.
Healer. Friend. Teacher. Beloved. Priestess.
In Gnostic scripture, Mary Magdalene is described as the most beloved among Jesus’ disciples. As a Divine Feminine archetype, she is the Healer, the Teacher, and the Priestess. She guides you to re-member your Divine Feminine nature, and offers strength and healing through emotional vulnerability. Mary Mag’s relationship and anointing of Jesus with holy oil can be seen as an act of love, devotion, and tremendous faith.
Mary Magdalene gently imparts Her wisdom so that you may become a witness to the miracles of love in all its forms. She says, “Learn your heart, and bless the world.”
This Altar Blessing will invite Mary Magdalene to bestow upon us:
Calling forth sacred partnerships and soulmates
Opening and centering within the Heart Chakra and self-love
Forgiveness and releasing what no longer serves the highest good
Manifesting miracles and divine connections
Unveiling of the Divine Feminine mysteries
The Goddess Altar Blessing will be performed on Sunday, May 19th, 2024. After the ritual is complete, you will receive photos of the altar, a summation of the work done, and suggestions for your personal practice.
All you have to do is sign up and submit your petition or prayer! Practitioners can submit their petitions for any positive purpose.
Sign up for the Mary Magdalene Altar Blessing and submit your petition by May 18th, 2024.