Mercury Enters Aries by Laura Sanger Watkins

On March 9th Mercury enters Aries until May 15th – a much longer stay in Aries due to the retrograde starting April 1st.

Ah, MERCURY, planet of the mind; the planet that rules communication, the marketplace, business in general, your local neighborhood, road trips, and the nervous system sliding on into ARIES. Aries is fierce and feisty – think Joan of Arc, think Pele. This is a cardinal fire sign, so yeah mama, she’s PUSHY and she is NOT known for her patience.

The up-side of this combo is that communication will be to the point – no pussyfooting or hemming and hawing. This is Executive Decision territory; we decide without needing to consult the committee. Our choices are obvious, and we are encouraged to make choices based on what is in our best interest.

The downside is that Aries is a big believer in “resolution at any cost” because they can’t stand gray areas or uncertainty. Be cautious about some decisions. Are we cutting off our noses to spite our faces? Are we slamming the door shut on something just so we know where we stand instead of agreeing to be uncomfortable in the “not knowing” (it’s okay not to know!!! We will find out eventually!) Aries can rush into things without doing a lot of research, that usually works out in her favor, but it doesn’t hurt to pretend we are a Taurus and pause to double-check ourselves before jumping in.

Those of us who do not live 24/7 with monkey-brains, like our friends the Air signs and Virgos, might find ourselves a little mentally agitated with racing thoughts. Mercury rules the nervous system and Aries can be inflammatory – I urge us all to take advantage of the nervine herbs and make ourselves a tea of Tulsi, Skullcap, and Passionflower to soothe these possible conditions. A little Valerian at the end of the day can’t hurt either. 

Some of us might want to take advantage of our seemingly endless bursts of thoughts while all planets are moving forward before Mercury stations retrograde at the end of the month. This energy is excellent for starting new classes, new product lines, new collaborations, new writing projects. Get it going before the beginning of April.

Mercury is conjunct with Chiron on the 20th , so be extra gentle with yourself or others – the wounds are close to the surface and we all might be a little sensitive to words and TONE. If something that may be perceived as harsh comes up and we’re dying to throw it out there, remember the three magic questions. Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said RIGHT NOW? Does it need to be said by ME? If the answer to any of these questions is “no” then it’s better to keep it moving.

Enjoy the clarity and movement this transit can bring!


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