PRE-ORDER! Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Compendium by Womancraft Publishing

I am SO delighted to share the news that Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womencraft Compendium is now available for PRE-ORDER. Books will ship November 15, 2024. My contribution was accepted for the book, Athena’s Truth, which is a re-visioning of the relationship between Athena and Medusa.

It is beyond time that we begin to reclaim our myths, our Goddesses, our women stories, and empower each other. This Womancraft compendium has over 80 contributors that are offering a wide range of wisdom to lead us beyond patriarchy and I am humbled to be part of it.

Please support Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy, Womancraft Publishing, and Goddess Community! Many of you know Lucy Pearce, Founder of Womancraft Publishing and author to many incredible Goddess books. Thank you to Lucy and her team for making this compendium possible!

And stay tuned for some podcasts around the upcoming book! Bright Blessings! xo Kimberly


Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy – A Womancraft Compendium
to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Womancraft Publishing.

Compiled, edited and with an introduction
by Womancraft Publishing founder Lucy H. Pearce.

If what we are experiencing right now are the death throes of patriarchy…how did we get here…and what comes next?

Taking the ancient women’s work of weaving as its framework, Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy is a collaborative text of voices woven from the Womancraft community – our own authors, both established and upcoming, aligned authors published elsewhere, and readers, ranging in age from twelve to over seventy.

Through poetry, prose, letters, articles and artwork, more than eighty women – authors, activists, artists, community builders, doctors, doulas, priestesses,  poets, permaculturalists, professors, teachers, witches, yoga teachers, mothers, grandmothers – reflect on what it might look like beyond patriarchy and how we might get there, from the
big picture to the domestic details.

This diverse and inclusive compendium of contemporary women’s wisdom is bound to become a much-loved handbook to carry us forward through these strange and uncertain times, with words to encourage and inspire us and our sisters, daughters, granddaughters, friends and communities.


  • Revisioning patriarchal history from female and feminine perspectives.

  • Exploring what needs healing/ transforming...and how we can do this: practically, energetically, linguistically, psychologically, systemically, politically.

  • What we long for and what we need during these transition times.

  • How we can each divest ourselves from patriarchy.

  • Visions and dreams for what comes next, how we cultivate this in ourselves and others…and how might we get there collectively.

  • Community and belonging beyond patriarchy.

  • Evolving our relationship with nature and our embodied selves.

  • Moving beyond war, fear, shame and the -isms as tools of control and oppression.

  • Practices, tools, prayers, blessings, rituals, ceremonies to help weave our way beyond patriarchy.

    10% of the royalties from this book are shared between:
    Women’s Aid
    The Malala Fund


Shipping Date is 11/15/2024


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