Astrology Update - 4/8 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries by Mary Lomando


Aries energy is the primal fire element; the first burst of life connected with the root chakra and our sense of grounding in the physical world. A balanced root chakra allows us to feel secure amidst change. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war. He is the Hero, par excellence! Aries is the pioneer, the courageous and independent leader. Aries energy can be the chivalrous knight in shining armor, who does not shy away from danger; however, too much Aries energy (or when Aries loses control) can show up as violent, bullying, or aggressive behavior. 

Aries acts first and thinks later; and with this New Moon eclipse, we will have five planets plus the North Node in Aries. Watch your temper and impulse control switch. Both Mars (the ruler of the eclipse) and Saturn are conjunct in the sign Pisces. This puts the brakes on Aries. Patience is the key now, especially with Mercury Retrograde in Aries until the end of the month. As with most solar eclipses, you will have more information AFTER the eclipse passes, so hold off on any major decisions until then.


Aries is the cardinal fire sign, the first sign of the zodiac. On the personality level, it is where we begin to “individuate” and strengthen our egos.  

If you have your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the sign is Aries, you may feel more emotional, restless and impatient during this New Moon. Try to think things through, or get a second opinion before making any hasty or rash decisions. Also, the house where the sign of Aries falls in your birth chart denotes the area (s) of life where you are willing to take a risk, and/or want to make changes. The trick with Aries is to implement change without being reckless, impatient or scattered. 

All New Moons are about planting seeds for the future, and the Solar Eclipse New Moon is especially potent. Take some time to sit quietly and gather your thoughts about what you would like to manifest in your life over the next few months. Think of it as planting a young tree that will take some time to grow. Be patient with yourself; don’t try and rush things right now. Your chances for a better outcome will greatly improve, if you trust that everything happens according to Divine Timing.


Fire Stellium in Aries:

During this New Moon we have six major planetary bodies, called a “Stellium” (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, plus asteroid Chiron and the North Node) in the fire sign, Aries.  Deep emotions are being triggered on every level, some of which can be very traumatic and long-standing. There is an element of a catharsis or healing going on, with Chiron involved.

The North Node in Aries implies that you may be ready to begin something totally new, but you may need to complete some “prep” work with Mercury retrograde right now. Whether in personal or global relations, stating your case calmly and fairly is much more beneficial than belligerence and aggression. It is time to let go of old resentments and victimization.

Remember that the prior Full Moon Lunar eclipse (March 25) in Libra carried the theme of balance, diplomacy and win-win situations in relationships. The message of Aries is “be true to your vision and take the practical steps to implement it, without destroying everything in your path to get it”. The good news is that you now have more energy available to move out of old fear patterns. It is difficult to remain stuck with a solar eclipse in Aries! 

A few hours after the Aries eclipse, the Moon will move into Taurus. This will be time for building and sustaining the plans that Aries initiated. The sense of urgency of the Aries fire will be replaced with the calm, methodical support of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus over the next few weeks. With the proper amount of awareness and focus, it is possible to clear many parallel timelines at once.

On a personal level, you can make great progress in shedding old layers of yourself, and allowing more of your “Soul” to embody. Use what you have learned in all the years of your spiritual and psychological healing practices. Be present as a guide to others; but don’t force your beliefs on others. Be good to yourself; meditate, play, honor Mother Earth and all life forms. We are all in this together!


The Lion-headed Goddess Sekmet represents the female power of Mars and Pluto. She is the powerful, warrior- like aspect of the goddess related to medicine, psychic surgery, and the women’s blood mysteries which govern birth, life and death. She is fierce and compassionate; relentless healing. She gives us the courage to face life’s most difficult challenges and transform fear into action. She works with releasing the karmic cords that bind us to toxic relationships and situations.

Find your inner sanctuary and relax. Light a white and/or red candle. Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). Take a few deep breaths, letting go of any stress or body discomfort. You are safe and protected by your guides and angels, and only the Light may now fill your presence.  See yourself walking along a well-worn and familiar path leading you to the main gate of a Temple enclosure. You can see the crescent moon above you, and you feel the protection of your guides around you. A white-robed priestess awaits you at the gate and leads you inside the inner sanctuary of the temple. You find yourself standing before a tall statue made of smooth black granite. It is the image of Sekhmet with her beautiful lion face and well-formed woman’s body.

She wears the sun disc on her head; she is the daughter of the Sun God, Ra.  She carries a lotus staff in one hand and holds the key of life, the ankh, in the other. She is here to help you cut the cords that bind you to the past. She can assist in releasing old hurts and betrayals .She can devour the past and assist you in shedding outworn layers of cellular memory. Sekmet knows the shamanic realms of magic and manifestation. You spend some time in meditation with her and ask for her healing presence to assist you in your process. There is a small red carnelian heart lying at her feet; this is for you. You thank the Goddess and leave her sanctuary. The white-robed priestess leads you back through the moonlit temple; back to your own time and space. You feel lighter and more peaceful after this journey. You are ready for the New! May you walk in Truth and Beauty Always!

©Mary Lomando/Temple Beautiful 2024




Goddess Prompts & Inspirations for April