Astrology Update by Mary Lomando - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces


Hello Everyone:

Welcome to the final Eclipse season of 2024!

This Full Moon in Pisces is a Super Moon (closer to the Earth), as well as an Eclipse. During Super Moons the Earth’s seismic and weather activity seems to increase. Since this is the only water sign eclipse of 2024, it is a precursor of things to come in 2025.

On a personal level, this is the time when memories, dreams and reflections flood our emotions allowing us to feel, release and process what has long been hidden in the subconscious. The right brain and our psychic/ intuitive awareness takes precedence over the logical left brain now. There is a sense of fluidity in time; past and present merge; and the boundaries between illusion and reality blur.

This eclipse will illuminate emotions and situations that have been germinating in the shadows and bring them up to the light of consciousness. Secrets may be revealed now. Emotional baggage from many life expressions can be healed and forgiven, if you are willing to let go of guilt, judgement and victimhood. Pay attention to your dreams. Maintain your psychic and physical boundaries. Meditate and listen to your inner voice. If you have trouble hearing that voice, listen to quiet music or guided meditation recordings.

Eclipses signal the end of a major 19-year cycle. This Full Moon occurs in the final degrees of Pisces, which can be felt as a cleansing of collective wounds and a universal outpouring of compassion towards our fellow humans. The Sun in the opposite sign of Virgo is a message from Mother Earth saying that by honoring our bodies, we also honor her. Not everyone feels eclipses the same, so check your chart for the house that contains the late degrees of Pisces to see how this affects you personally.

Also, this month the Wheel of the Year moves forward to the Autumn Equinox (Northern hemisphere) when the Sun moves into sign of Libra on September 22nd, a day of equal light and dark. As the scale of Libra indicates, this is the perfect time for bringing our inner and outer worlds into balance beginning with our inner male and female aspects, our relationships, and our connection to Mother Earth.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive”. ( HH Dalai Lama)



This Full Moon eclipse falls in the sign of Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the mutable, shape-shifting, water sign, which rules the magical, emotional realms of the subconscious and dream worlds. It is the sign of the poet and mystic; the artist and healer; the savior and sinner; the shaman and the physicist. The sign of Pisces is considered the “Key to the Subconscious” and the vast ocean of collective human memory. Edgar Cayce calls this the akashic record. Memories and dreams which have been buried just below consciousness now come to the surface to offer more insight and information. This is a good time to look to your dreams for messages.

Pisces is probably the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac; and like its symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions, it is a sign that embraces both duality and Oneness...the universe where subatomic physics and religion merge. The Age of Pisces was associated with the symbol of the fish; now as we move forward in our evolutionary process, Pisces becomes the Grail, which holds the elixir of life, symbolizing our baptism in the New Age.

PERSONALLY SPEAKING: As mentioned earlier, not everyone is affected personally by every eclipse. Check to see where the late degrees (24 to 29) of Pisces falls in your birth chart. If the eclipse falls on your birthday, this will be a very important year for you with at least one chapter of your life coming to a closure. The Pisces/Virgo axis of the chart is about the Body/Mind/Spirit connection; your health, being of service, and your daily routine. Pisces rules the feet, as well as the lymph system of the body; Virgo rules the stomach, digestive processes and brain chemistry.

If your Sun or Moon falls in the sign of Pisces (or its opposite sign Virgo) it is part of your soul signature to be of service in some way. Healers, doctors, nurses, and health professions of all types fall under the rulership of Pisces/Virgo. Since the sign Pisces rules the unconscious, creative process of the right brain, many actors, musicians, artists, spiritual leaders, and scientists have Pisces planets prominent in their birth charts. Pisceans are very sensitive and emotional creatures, but they can also get lost in their own inner worlds. They are amazing healers and artists; however, they can become overloaded with emotional “stuff” from other people, as well as their own. Piscean personalities can feel the burdens of humanity in their hearts.

One of the main challenges for Pisceans is to avoid self-sabotage and depression. They often suffer in silence helping others selflessly, but forgetting to take care of themselves. This is a message from the Universe now is that if you do not recharge your psychic batteries, you run the risk of psychic infection. If you have been feeling out of it, fatigued, or somewhat disconnected from reality, you are not alone. During this Full Moon time find positive ways to channel the Piscean energy: meditation, yoga, listening to music, watching a good film, having a reflexology massage, going to the beach, or just taking some quiet time to yourself. You cannot be of service to others, if you don’t pay attention to your own needs.


The Full Moon in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces Sextile Pluto in Capricorn: Since this Full Moon occurs in the final degrees of Pisces with Neptune (its higher octave) there is a sense of urgency in uniting the chaotic and disassociated soul aspects of Pisces into Oneness. This can be a time of healing on a massive level; a collective soul-retrieval! If we look for solutions only on the 3D level, there will be much confusion and disinformation with Neptune. We are being asked now to examine our connection to the spiritual and non-ordinary dimensions. We are time jumping many different realities now as past and future timelines merge with the present. There is a very important cosmic message with this Lunar eclipse. How do you connect with Universal Consciousness? Your Higher Self? God/Goddess? There is much guidance coming to the Earth plane right now from the higher dimensions. If you follow a spiritual practice now is the time to go more deeply into it. The power of Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn ( in its third and final retrograde phase) translates as a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to transform a deeply rooted and recurring problem. Check the houses in your natal chart and locate the houses where the last degrees of Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn fall. These indicate the areas in your life where you are ready to release and transform. You will need the faith of the Pisces Moon combined with the determination of the Virgo Sun and the relentlessness of Pluto to pull it off, but miracles do happen!

Sun in Virgo Opposite the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces: We may see a lot of flooding and water related events with this eclipse. On a personal level with the Moon and Neptune in Pisces opposing the Sun in Virgo, it is important to keep your psychic protection and boundaries intact. If any self-doubt or inner confusion seeps through the cracks, ask for higher guidance, or seek the counsel of someone you trust. Pisces energy wants to escape from reality. The Sun’s lesson in Virgo is one of discernment, not criticism; don’t tie yourself up in knots over details. The Moon’s opposition in Pisces says things are not really what they appear to be. Although it may not seem like it, what you are being asked to “surrender” or let go of now is part of your soul plan. Virgo energy loves physical activity, as well as doing something really good for body/mind, like massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, yoga, swimming, etc. Taking care of your body will definitely help to alleviate mental stress. Shamanic work, drumming, and plant medicines are all healthy alternatives to quiet the nervous system.

Sun in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus : The Sun, Pluto and Uranus are now forming a very positive Grand Earth trine aspect. This is very good news for implementing practical ideas, and building more solid structures in your daily life as the old habits and situations collapse, especially in terms of health and business. The Sun provides form and structure with details and organization, while Uranus can offer some unique “shock and awe” solutions. Pluto provides the necessary strength and will-power to carry out your goals. Since the two outer planets Uranus and Pluto are both retrograde, there is a chance to finally get things right on the collective level. Both planets are the harbingers of massive evolutionary and revolutionary changes. On a personal level, you may be receiving a new “mission statement” when Pluto finally moves back into Aquarius on November 20th.

Use the time of this final Pluto retrograde to clean up your personal shadow stuff and don’t get caught up in collective drama.

Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde: This is the grand finale transit of Pluto in Capricorn as it moves through the 29th (critical) degree from September 3rd to November 20th. This is the “resurrection from the ashes” from whatever Pluto has demolished, destroyed or eliminated from your life since January 21, 2008. It is no accident that we have seen the rise and fall of world leaders (and more to come); the pandemic scourge; and economic and global warming crises, all in the space of a few years. That is Pluto’s forte…what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger! During this time period, the USA experienced its Pluto return (once every 248 years!) The cycle began in January 2008 with the Inauguration of a President and will end with the election of a President! How’s that for karma? Look back to your own life since January of 2008. Whatever you have learned since then is a karmic completion spanning many lifetimes. Your perception has shifted; veils were removed; and now you are ready to move into the New Age of Aquarius!

Blessings, Mary

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