Goddess Calendar for July 2024

Welcome July! Revel in the Abundance of Goddess! Surf a wave or two with Hina. Expect Miracles with the Blessed Mother. Bathe in healing waters with Fatima and Coventina. Chant for Blessings from Green Tara. Celebrate divine partnership with Parvati. Embrace the spirit of the forest with Aja. Call in the Egyptian Goddesses for a Night of the Cradle ritual. Roar with Sekhmet for Leo Season. Wrap yourself in starlight for Isis as Sothis. Om Mani Padme Hum with Kuan Yin! Apply to Santa Marta for domestic harmony. Take a Star Bath with Asteria. Seek Guidance from the Serpent of Wisdom. Enjoy!

~ Kimberly Moore, Goddess EveryDay Devotional

July’s Full Moon is also called the Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, and Hay Moon. 

Join Goddess EveryDay Summer Devotional for $15 or less per month! Daily prompts based on the Goddess Calendar, weekly practices and magick, AND a monthly live call. Can’t wait to see you in Community! xo Kimberly

July 1

  • Day of Abundantia - Roman Goddess of Plenty (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Dakini & Vajrayogini Day

  • Canada Day

July 2

  • Day of Hina (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Mercury moves into Leo

  • 2024 - Neptune stations Retrograde in Pisces

July 3

  • Festival of Cerridwen – Welsh Goddess of fertility, magic, divination, and transformation

July 4 

  • 2024 - DARK MOON

  • 2024 - Nyx delivers Oracles

  • 2024 - Hekate’s Deipnon

  • Feast of Our Lady of Miracles

  • Ancient Roman Festival for Epona

  • USA Independence Day

July 5

July 6 

  • 2024 - Day of Marian Devotion

  • Dalai Lama’s Birthday

  • Frida Kahlo’s Birthday

July 7

  • 2024 - Japanese Tanabata Star Festival (Amaterasu is the Celestial Goddess)

  • 2024 - Noumenia - Greek Honoring of the Household Gods

  • 2024 - Ancient Athenian New Year

  • Florence Farr’s Birthday

July 8 

  • 2024 - White Tara Day

  • Feast of Our Lady of Kazan

  • Celtic Tree Month Tinne (Holly) is July 8 to August 4

July 9 

  • 2024 - Day of Athena

  • 2024 - Pallas stations direct in Scorpio

July 10 

  • 2024 - Day of Aphrodite

  • Skadi Day - Norse Goddess

July 11

  • Hathor Day (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Venus enters Leo

July 12

  • 2024 - Artemis Day

  • Day of Aztec Goddess Itzpapaloatl (MH OBS)

July 13

  • 2024 - Durga Day

  • 2024 - Libation to Athena

  • Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima

July 14 

  • 2024 - Green Tara Day

  • Aphrodisia Festival celebrating the Goddess Aphrodite

  • Feast of St. Kateri Tekawitha

  • Day of Orisha Goddess AJA (MH OBS)

  • Osiris’ Birthday – Consort of the Egyptian Goddess Isis

  • Runic Half Month of Uruz begins

July 15 

  • 2024 - Day of the Muses

  • 2024 - Rhea’s Day

  • Day for the Rowan Tree Goddess

July 16 

  • EVENT: Weaving Women Red Tent with Marisa McCall (free)

  • Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day – also syncretizes to the Orisha Oya and lwa Erzulie Dantor

  • Birthday of Ida B. Wells-Barnett - Investigative Journalist & Early Civil Rights Leader

  • Mercury enters Retrograde shadow in Leo

July 17

  • Night of the Cradle – Birthday of the Egyptian Goddess Isis

  • Amaterasu Festival in Japan

July 18 

  • Birthday and Festival of the Egyptian Goddess Nepthys

July 19 

2024 - Jaya Parvati Vrat! Five day Hindu Festival celebrating the Hindu Goddess Parvati

July 20

  • Day of Greek Goddess Asteria (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Mars enters Gemini

July 21

  • 2024 - FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN at 6:17 am eastern time

  • 2024 - Dharma Day in Buddhism

July 22

  • 2024 - Sun enters Leo

  • Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day 

  • Birthday of Maria Sabina, Mazatec Sabia, Shamaness, & Poet

July 23

  • Egyptian New Year (approximate) Heliacal Rising of Sirius – Sothis as the Goddess Isis

July 24

  • 2024 - Kuan Yin’s Day of Enlightenment

July 25

  • Egyptian Feast of Anuket – Goddess and personification of the Nile River in Upper Egypt

  • 2024 - Mercury enters Virgo

July 26, 2024 – Happy 11th Birthday to MotherHouse of the Goddess!

July 26 

  • Feast Day of St. Anne – syncretizes to the Orisha Goddess Nana Buruku

  • Happy Birthday, Carl Jung!

  • 2024 - Chiron stations Retrograde in Aries

July 27 

  • Day of British Goddess Coventina (MH OBS)

  • Birthday of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt

July 28

  • Birthday of Pythia – Oracle of Delphi

  • Feast Day of the Egyptian Goddess of Weaving, Hedjihotep

July 29 

  • 2024 - Panathenaia ta mikra (Lesser Panathenaia) to 8/5

  • Feast Day of Santa Marta (Saint Martha) – syncretizes to Mami Wata and camino of the Orisha Goddess Yemaya Ibu Achaba

  • Runic Half Month of Thurisaz begins

  • Birthday of Agnes Waterhouse - one of the first women executed in England for witchcraft

July 30

  • 2024 - Dakini & Vajrayogini Day

  • Runic ½ month of Thurisaz begins - Warrior Rune

  • Happy Birthday, Emily Bronte!

July 31 

  • Day for the Goddess Eve

  • Birthday of Madame Helen Blavatsky – Theosophical teacher and author


Hellenion.org - Hellenic Calendar

Karma Kagyu Calendar (Tibetan Lunar Calendar)


Goddess Calendar for August 2024


Goddess Calendar for June 2024