Goddess Calendar for June 2024

Welcome June!

Honor the Queen within you for Juno Regina 

Smell the roses with Aphrodite 

Plant some indigenous plants for the Earth Mothers on World Environment Day 

Purify your home and temple and light a candle for Vesta

Offer seven pennies at the beach for Yemaya on World Oceans Day

Bake a loaf of bread with Fornax 

Dance in the rain with Anahita 

Sprinkle some tobacco at the crossroads and ask Eleggua to open your roads

Soak up the sun as Amaterasu

Call on the Muses for inspiration on your creative projects

Chant creation with Gayatri Devi

Invoke your favorite Fire Goddess for Summer Solstice

Soak in Sunna for the summer season

Have tea with honey in honor of Bhramari

Have a Blessed June!

~ Kimberly Moore

June is named for the Roman Goddess Juno.

June’s Full Moon is also called the Strawberry Moon, the Hot Moon,  and the Rose Moon.

June 1

  • 2024 - Day of Marian Devotion

  • 2024 – Greek Spring Cleaning Festival of Kallyntaria and Plynteria – days devoted to cleaning temples, sacred spaces, and altars. Dedicated to Athena Polias.

  • 2024 - Hanuman Jayanti (Telegu)

  • 2024 - Dakini and Vajrayogini Day

  • Day of Carna – Roman Goddess of Health and Vitality

June 2 

  • Juno Regina Day – a day to celebrate the Roman Goddess Juno in Her role as Queen of the Gods and Juno Moneta – Juno of the Mint (money)

  • The Renewal Bath of the Greek Goddess Hera

June 3

  • Day of Bhumi (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Mercury enters Gemini

  • Birthday of Josphine Baker

June 4 

  • Rosalia – Festival of the Roses and sacred to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and the Roman Goddess Venus

June 5

  • 2024 - Dark Moon

  • 2024 - Hekate’s Deipnon

  • World Environment Day – a great day to honor our Earth Mothers like Bhumi, Gaia, and Pachamama.

June 6  

  • 2024 - NEW MOON IN GEMINI at 8:37am eastern time

  • Day of Devana - Western Slavic Goddess of the Wild (MH OBS)

  • Lukumi Feast Day for the Orisha Ochosi, the Divine Hunter and his Saint form, St. Norbert

June 7 

  • (until June 15) Eight day festival of Vestalia in Honor of the Roman Goddess Vesta. A time for cleansing and purification of your home and temple space and light a new temple candle!

June 8 

  • World Oceans Day – an auspicious day to honor Ocean Goddesses like Yemaya, Nammu, and Mami Wata!

  • Day to Honor Mens – the Roman Goddess of the Mind

June 9 

  • 2024 - White Tara Day

  • Festival of Fornax – Roman Goddess of the Ovens

  • 2024 - Mars enters Taurus

June 10 

  • 2024 - Day of Athena

  • Feast Day of the Persian Goddess Anahita

  • Celtic Tree Month of Duir (Oak) is June 10 to July 7

  • Susan Seddon Boulet’s Birthday

  • Death Day of Bridget Bishop - first person killed in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692.

June 11 

  • 2024 - Day of Aphrodite

  • Sacred Day of Fortuna: the Roman Goddess of Luck and Fortune. She is also celebrated on June 24 during the festival of Fors Fortuna. She is the Goddess Tyche in Greece.

  • Festival of Mater Matuta – Roman Goddess of the Ripening Grain

June 12

  • Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

June 13 

  • 2024 - Day of Artemis

  • Lukumi Feast Day for the Orisha Eleggua as his Saint form of St. Anthony

  • The Festival of the Egyptian Goddess Mut – Feeding of the Gods

  • to July 2 – Festival of the Aztec Goddess, Uixtocihuatl, Lady of Salt

  • Feast Day of Epona – the Ancient Horse Goddess of the Gauls

June 14 

  • 2024 - Mahavidya Dhumavati Jayanti 

  • 2024 - Day of Durga

  • 2024 - Green Tara Day

  • Birthday of the Greek Muses (Mousai) – On this day the goddess Mnemosyne (‘memory’) gave birth to nine daughters: Calliope (epic songs); Euterpe (lyric songs); Polyhymnia (sacred songs); Thalia (comedy); Melpomene (tragedy); Terpsichore (dance); Erato (poetry); Clio (history); and Urania (astronomy). A wonderful day for creative projects involving writing, poetry and art.

  • Runic Half Month of Dagaz – Day

June 15 

  • The Great Festival of Amaterasu – Shinto/Japanese Goddess of the Sun 

June 16 

  • 2024 - Ganga Dussehra, the day that the river Ganges descended from Heaven

  • 2024 - Day of the Greek Goddess Rhea

  • 2024 - Day of the Greek Muses

  • Feast of Egyptian Goddess Hathor as Sothis – Goddess of Starlight

  • Alice Bailey’s Birthday

June 17

  • Gayatri Jayanti, Appearance Day of the Mother of the Vedas & Mother of Devotion

  • 2024 - Mercury enters Cancer

  • 2024 - Venus enters Cancer

June 18

  • Day of the Greek Goddess of Day, Hemera (MH OBS)

June 19


  • Day of the Celtic-European Goddess Melusine (MH OBS)

  • Asteroid Vesta enters Leo

June 20 

  • 2024 - Sun enters Cancer

  • 2024 - Summer Solstice

  • Celebration of the Mayan Goddess Ix Chel

June 21 

  • 2024 - FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN at 9:08pm eastern time

  • Leizi (MH OBS) - Chinese Goddess of Lightning

  • International Day of Yoga

June 22

  • Polynesian/Hawaiian Goddess Haumea (MH OBS)

  • Octavia Butler’s Birthday

June 23

  • Day of the Norse Goddess Sunna (Sol)

June 24

  • Midsummer Night honoring the Irish Fae Queen Aine

  • Fors Fortuna – Second Feast Day in June of the Roman Goddess Fortuna

  • Lukumi Feast Day of the Orisha Ogun and his Saint form of St. John the Baptist

  • Bonfires of Saint John Day (Observed within Hoodoo Traditions beginning on the Eve)

June 25 

  • Feast of the African Goddess Mami Wata (also Santa Marta - Saint Martha)

June 26

  • Ten Year Anniversary of the Founding of Mystery School of the Goddess 

  • Day of Corn Woman - Indigenous North American Goddess (MH OBS)

  • Iroquois Green Corn Festival

June 27 

  • Day of Mokosh - Slavic Mother Goddess (MH OBS)

  • Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

June 28 

  • Skira Festival – Descent of the Holy Daughter Kore – offerings to Demeter, Kore, & Athena

June 29 

  • Day of Bhramari - Hindu Goddess of Bees (MH OBS)

  • 2024 - Saturn stations Retrograde in Pisces

  • Runic Half Month of Fehu – Cattle

June 30 

  • Hersophoria – Greek women worshiped Aphrodite along with the dew-goddess Aglauros and Erse and the goddess Kourotrophos, “Nurturer of the young.”

If you are interested in receiving daily Goddess prompts and practices for the Goddess Calendar, check out my Goddess EveryDay Summer Devotional!

Hellenion’s Calendar

Karma Kagyu Calendar


Goddess Calendar for July 2024
